Match Report

Match Report

Match Report
An overcast sky looms overhead here at Norberto Tomaghello where Defensa y Justicia play host to Patronato. A crowd of 16,146 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in great condition.
Defensa y Justicia are playing in a 3-4-3 formation while Patronato appear to be shaped for 4-4-2.
Today's match is refereed by Claudio P. Goycochea.

The first half starts with Patronato kicking off!
Alejandro Zuniga threads a neat ball through to Peter Arreola. Peter Arreola makes a beautiful solo run. Peter Arreola knocks in a cross ball towards Hugo Salinas. Hugo Salinas connects with a diving header but is denied by Joaquín Amaya. Excellent save.
Julián Vergara threads a neat ball through to Franco Crespo. Franco Crespo knocks the ball to his team mate, Juan Martín Vásquez. Juan Martín Vásquez lofts in a cross ball towards Bryan Teixeira. Bryan Teixeira connects with the ball, driving a powerful header at goal his aim is horrendously poor!
Carlos Valadez brings the ball forward. Carlos Valadez plays the ball forward to Augusto Cervantes who has made a great run into the box. Augusto Cervantes shows great control and tries a shot on goal. The ball dips but the keeper is more than a match for it. Superb keeping!
Benjamín Palma chips the ball to his team mate, Rui Giraldo. Rui Giraldo deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Thomas Husain. Thomas Husain finds some space and shoots from distance but it flies wide!
Benjamín Palma plays the ball forward to Thomas Husain. Thomas Husain knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Mateo Vidal Pina.
Benjamín Palma flicks a high pass forward to Bryan Teixeira who brings the ball under control. Bryan Teixeira knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Facundo Lemus sees Franco Crespo in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Franco Crespo knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Facundo Lemus sees Franco Crespo in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Franco Crespo knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Cory Castillo who gathers it comfortably.
Alejandro Zuniga threads a neat ball through to Hugo Salinas. Hugo Salinas whips in a cross ball towards Peter Arreola. Peter Arreola beats his man to it with a header. Solid save from Joaquín Amaya. What a great pair of hands!
Defensa y Justicia are playing deep, stifling the play and making it hard for their opposition to score.
Juan Martín Vásquez controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Franco Crespo. Franco Crespo shoots from long range. Cory Castillo gathers the ball up comfortably. Excellent keeping!
Carlos Valadez hacks Rui Giraldo from behind! Carlos Valadez is shown the yellow card! Rui Giraldo runs off the knock.
Benjamín Palma makes a probing pass to Juan Martín Vásquez. Juan Martín Vásquez knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Mateo Vidal Pina.
The first half ends with the referee blowing his whistle!

Both teams emerge for the second half. Defensa y Justicia appear unchanged since the first half. Patronato also appear unchanged since the first half.

The second half starts with Defensa y Justicia kicking off!
Benjamín Palma flicks a high pass forward. Thomas Husain controls it well on his chest. Thomas Husain knocks in a cross ball towards Franco Crespo. Franco Crespo knocks the ball goalwards with his head. The ball clips the inside of the post and flies into the back of the net!! Goal for Defensa y Justicia!
Matias Corona threads the ball through to Carlos Reggi. Carlos Reggi makes a defence splitting pass to Augusto Cervantes. Augusto Cervantes rockets a shot on goal. The ball dips but the keeper is more than a match for it. Quality keeping!
Facundo Espinoza sees space and advances. Facundo Espinoza hits a low pass to Matias Corona. Matias Corona knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Juan Martín Vásquez barges into Carlos Reggi. The referee calls over Juan Martín Vásquez and warns him to calm down! Carlos Reggi hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Julián Vergara hits a low pass to Thomas Husain. With vision, Thomas Husain picks a pass forward to Bryan Teixeira. Bryan Teixeira controls the ball perfectly and tries a long range shot on goal but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Martín Valdano deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Juan Martín Vásquez. With a delightful solo run, Juan Martín Vásquez stretches the opposition's defence. Juan Martín Vásquez edges inside the box! Some silky footwork from Juan Martín Vásquez provides him some room. He curls a shot at goal. The ball clips the inside of the post and flies into the back of the net!! Goal for Defensa y Justicia!
Mateo Vidal Pina controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Hugo Salinas. Hugo Salinas knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Facundo Lemus knocks the ball forward to Bryan Teixeira. Bryan Teixeira knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Facundo Espinoza.
Benjamín Palma controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Thomas Husain. Thomas Husain knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
The referee blows the final whistle

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 2 vs 0
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 3 vs 4
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 3 vs 0
Offsides: 0 vs 0
Fouls: 1 vs 1
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 1
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 60 vs 40
Play Area
Home team third: 25.33%, Midfield: 44.00%, Away team third: 30.67%

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Juan Martín Vásquez of Defensa y Justicia

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
4. Pedro Peralta (DEF)
5. Rui Giraldo (MID)
8. Facundo Lemus (MID)
9. Thomas Husain (ATT)
10. Bryan Teixeira (ATT)
11. Franco Crespo (ATT)

12. Mariano Sivori (ATT)
13. Patricio Sosa (ATT)

6. Carlos Reggi (MID)
7. Peter Arreola (MID)
8. Matias Corona (MID)
11. Hugo Salinas (ATT)

13. Luca Carrizo (GK)
14. Sebastián Cruz (MID)